Help Form

I'm personally answering the form submissions, so being the human (?) that I am, I'm not quick to reply, although I check my e-mail frequently after I get home from school and about 50 times a day on weekends (I see the message, `No new mail' and then I check it again). I would suggest searching on your favorite search engine for the problem that you have, to see if anybody else has encountered it. One that I find especially helpful is AltaVista.

Fill out this form to the best of your ability. I will do my best to answer your questions. Personally I think this should make it easier for people to ask for help directly. If there is any information you feel should be an input field here, please let me know.

You should be connected to the Internet to be able to use this, by the way. :-)



Reply-to Address:

Your Real Name:

Which distribution of Linux are you using/trying to install? (specify the version of your distribution at the additional information section)

The type of BIOS you have:

I don't know

What kind of CPU do you have?

The section you need help on:

Amount of RAM that you have (select the closest):

Error messages (if any):

Additional information you feel is important:


Copyright © 1997-1999 Joshua Go (joshuago at users dot sourceforge dot net). All rights reserved. Permission to use, distribute, and copy this document is hereby granted. You may modify this document as long as credit to me is given.